The easy way to make better, more informed, data-driven betting decisions.

“It’s like Top Trumps for racehorses!”

– Andy Hodges, Form Ratings Silver Member.

Hi I’m Rob – and I know NOTHING about horse racing.

I know maths inside-out though – and I’ve found a way to use incredibly powerful data science code, to make better, more informed, data-driven betting decisions.

I’m a numbers geek – and I’ve worked with a team of guys who ARE experts in horse racing betting to develop the Form Ratings software – narrowing thousands of individual factors to the “Simple Six” – the only six numbers you need to be able to compare each horse against each other.

I’ve designed the Form Ratings software to be incredibly powerful, but also super-simple to use – meaning you can see at-a-glance the Simple Six for every horse, in every race – and easily spot the “story in the stats.”

I’m a maths geek – but you don’t need to be! If you can play Top Trumps, you can use the Simple Six to easily compare horse racing data. And if you want an even easier option, then we’ve created dozens of automated, back-tested systems and strategies that you can access in seconds every day.

“The stats

don’t lie!”

Steve Ellis:

Gold Member


The Simple Six. Our powerful, yet simple horse racing ratings formula for comparing every horse, in every race – every day.

Form Ratings is designed to be easy-to-use, but we’ll hold your hand all the way – we’ll show you just how easy it is, and we’re ALWAYS on the other end of the phone or email if you need us.

Horse ratings based on hundreds of factors, including recent results, jockey, distance, preferred courses, speed, etc.

Remove gut feelings and “Why did I back that??” moments, by making more informed, data-driven betting decisions.

The Simple Six: Horse Racing Form – made EASY

Our “Simple Six” ratings take hundreds of different factors into account, crunching the numbers for you, and calculating what really matters:

LR – Last Run. An indication of how well each horse in the race performed last time out.

2LR – Second to Last Run. Useful if you want to see more established form (ruling out good (or bad!) luck in a single race.

3LR – Third from Last Run. Helps you see whether “Form is temporary, whilst class is permanent”

SPD – Speed. Who are the speed demons, and who’s running through treacle?

HRS – Horse Race Score. How well a horse has run in races like this.

FRN – Form Ratings Number. This is the rating to rule all ratings – our secret blend of more than 30 factors, all cross-referenced to produce ONE single number.

Short on time? Want an even EASIER option?

Automated, backtested systems and strategies – Smart Selections take the simple six, and automate everything for you.

You simply tell us which Smart Selections you want to follow based on your preferred strategy., and we’ll show you which horses meet that criteria – all on one page, enabling you to quickly get your bets on, and get on with your day.

Some of the Smart Selections include:

• False Favourites – A laying system that finds horses that are leading the betting market, but trailing their rivals in the Simple Six.

• Built for Speed – The fastest horse in the race, in race conditions that suit.

• Ideally Suited – Course and Distance winners, running in ideal conditions.

• Box Tickers – Top Rated for most of the Simple Six.

 There’s dozens more systems to suit every style – high strike rate / low odds, e/w value bets, laying systems, trading systems, place-only strategies.

• Plus, TWO new Smart Selections are tested and developed every single month – based on strategies and systems by fellow Form Raters.

There are loads of different ways to use Form Ratings…

Silver member Carl Kimmins backs the Top Two rated in handicap races where both are odds of 5/1 or greater.

Gold member Syed Nakqvi focuses predominantly on the top two rated. He also enjoys sharing his ideas in the private Facebook group.

Simon Coates tends to put the smart selections into multiple bet accumulators.

Gold member Christopher Lay focuses on the Smart Selections and in particular the “top rated” ones, and looks at ways to further improve them by applying additional filters from the main cards.

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